PowerCARD-Issuer provides complete services for issuance and management of all payment types in all formats (credit, debit, prepaid, etc.).
PowerCARD-Issuer has been developed to support all kind of issuers, from small to large and global financial institutions, banks, credit companies, retailers and private card processing companies.
The system has full multi-currency, multi-product, multi-institution and multi-language capabilities and manages card portfolios across different countries and for different issuers on a single global platform.
PowerCARD-Issuer’s rule-based engines allow the modernization of financial institutions’ payment systems to achieve origination from any channel and any format, add advanced workflow design to improve the collection and use of payment information.
PowerCARD-Issuer architecture supports configurability, access and use of information, which is not readily possible in a more rigid, black-box environment.
PowerCARD-Issuer also supports all the backoffice functions associated with running the card issuance activities – examples include fraud and risk management, chargeback, disputes and collections management.
A customer service focus is essential to the success of the issuers’ payments business. At the heart of PowerCARD-Issuer is a powerful relational database, giving a consolidated view of the customer and the customer’s transactions allowing revenue growth through customer retention and acquisition. Issuers can view their complete relationship with individual customers, and customer data is readily available for customer pro ling and segmentation activities.
PowerCARD Connect’ APIs is an online portal that provides more than 120+ APIs to allow any third party system to trigger services or use data stored on PowerCARD and any third party developer to build innovative applications using PowerCARD data and services.